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Our School


Open Door Christian Academy is a private, non-profit Christian school founded in 2000 as a ministry of Open Door Bible Baptist Church. The curriculum provides a traditional Christian education founded on the principles of Scripture. These principles are incorporated in each subject throughout every class and by all instructors. The school implements the teachings of the family and the local church, helping to rear children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


Statement of Faith

1. We believe in personal salvation by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which He shed on the Cross of Calvary for remission of sins for all who believe.

2. We believe that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.

3. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised bodily from the tomb and now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven making intercession for all born-again believers.

4. We believe that Christ will return bodily to call His church unto Himself.

5. We believe in the eternal security of the born-again believer.



Our mission is to assist parents in the training of their children to conform to the image of Jesus Christ.

My wife and I wanted our son to have a high quality education that did not conflict with the values we had been raised with. Although it was already paid for, public education fell far short of this criterion. Our son had been going to a local private school for years when we looked into the possibility of moving him to Open Door Christian Academy. We were surprised and dismayed at how much further ahead Open Door students (using the A’Beka program) of his age were academically. We made the move and have been quite pleased with the quality of his education since.

Andre & Mary Bonneau

As a parent of 3 children at Open Door Christian Academy, I am able to drop our children off at school and have a peace in my heart that they are loved, safe and learning about the love of Jesus. The teachers care for our children as if they were their own, and my children respect their teachers in the way that all students should respect their teachers. My family is truly blessed to have a place like Open Door Christian Academy to bring our children.

Cook Family

Our daughter has been a student at ODCA for 8 years now and we are so grateful for the nurturing and challenging environment that this school has offered her. She has the self-confidence and the ability to tackle any academic challenges that she encounters and use those tools she has learned at ODCA. The teachers at ODCA are all accessible. With all of the negative influences in today's public schools, we are so grateful that ODCA is our safe haven for our daughter. She is taught with the values and principles that we have at home. ODCA was a great decision we made for our daughter's education.

Sylvia Deschaine

Statement of Faith

Faculty & Staff

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Nicole Job


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Pam Smith


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Dolores Lemieux

Pre-Kindergarten &


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Amanda Howard

1st & 2nd Grade


Kelsey Blake

3rd & 4th Grade


Savanna Marrett

5th & 6th Grade

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Nicole Job

Jr. High & High School 


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Barbara Miller

Jr. High & High School

History & Speech

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Diane Morse

Jr. High & High School

Math & Science

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Beverly Trimble-McKay

Devin Bard

Nicole Hayward

Jr. High & High School Bible

Learning Center

Office Administration

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